Home » Compare » Compare Deebot N79S and Robovac 11c Pet robot vacuum

Compare Deebot N79S and Robovac 11c Pet robot vacuum

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If you are searching for a low-price robot vacuum on the market, it is likely that you will find a model of Ecovacs or Eufy brands.

Surprisingly, Ecovacs, Eufy, ILIFE are 3 biggest brands having the most popular robot vacs at entry-level (iRobot does have Roomba 690 for low-price option, but the brand focuses mostly on high-end models like Roomba 890, 960, 980)

In 2018, Ecovacs and Eufy (both are direct competitors in affordable robot vacuum cleaner industry) has released their updated genies based on their most popular models on the market.

Ecovacs introduced Deebot N79s as the next generation of Deebot N79 and Robovac 11 is updated with Robovac 11c Pet edition.

Since the Deebot N79 and Robovac 11 are two most popular units at the affordable price, let’s compare these two models to figure out what will be the best choice for your cleaning demands.

Check for how much you can save when buying Deebot N79S or Robovac 11c Pet below to have the first impression

NO carpet boost feature

Deebot N79

NO carpet boost feature

Robovac 11c

Compare Deebot N79S Vs Robovac 11c Pet

Suction Power

Deebot N79S uses a motor of 1000 Pa with 2 suction modes, 4 cleaning routine. The 1000 Pa motor is the standard for a robot vac to delivers efficient suction power for floor and low pile carpet cleaning.

Robovac 11c Pet uses a motor of 1200 Pa with automatically increased suction power, 4 cleaning routine.

Robovac 11c Pet shows a better suction power due to the fact that this unit uses a higher motor power and boost IQ technology

Winner of suction – Robovac 11c Pet

Performance On Multiple Floor Surfaces

Both models are recommended for cleaning bare floors, low pile carpets mostly. Although they can be used for cleaning medium pile carpets, it is not the optimal choice. Both models are not suitable for dark color floors as the sensors can fail to recognize the floor/ dust

When transverse from floor to carpets

  • Deebot N79S has the max pump around 1.2 centimeters
  • Robovac 11c Pet has the max pump of 1.4 centimeters

It can be seen as a tie when dealing with multiple floor types

Optimized For Pet Owners

  • Deebot N79S uses a dual helix brush for removing pet hairs, dust on carpets
  • Robovac 11c Pet uses a less tangling brush and a HEPA for capturing the pet dead skin, allergens

Winner of picking up hair and filtration – Robovac 11c Pet

Noise Level

Both models are super quiet when running when compared with Roomba.

Smart Features

Both models are quite similar to smart features side such as wifi connection, app control, Alexa voice control, scheduling, checking status and intelligent components like sensors, boundary strips/ soft bumpers. They also have the same runtime and dustbin size.


Both models are currently available with good prices.


A low-price robotic unit does not really mean it can not work efficiently. Both Deebot N79S and Eufy Robovac 11C pet are the two highly rated option, trusted by thousands of users.

Both of them are quite efficient for most home and compatible to Alexa skills.

Deebot N79S is a better choice if you are looking for a lower price unit with general cleaning performance.

On the other hands, Robovac 11c Pet is better if you have pets at home thanks to its less tangling brush and HEPA filtration.


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