How To Disinfect Carpets At Home With Natural Ingredients | Guides & Steps


A microbiologist and immunologist, Philip Tierno wrote a book called ‘The Secret Life of germs’ and shared about various researches he conducted. You will be shocked to know, according to the research, an indoor carpet is four thousand times dirtier than a toilet seat. A normal carpet contains more than 200,000 bacteria per square inch.  We …

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How to Get Gum Out of Carpet? | 8 Effective Methods


We all have chewed gum to freshen up our breath, exercise the jaws, just to bum around and in some cases even to quit smoking. Studies have proven than chewing gum reduces muscle tension hence increases alertness. Also, chewing gum burns around 10 calories per hour and makes one’s salivary glands produce 25% more saliva …

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How to Clean a Wool Rug Like a Pro – Tips and Guides 2019


Soft and durable, a wool rug can be a beautiful addition to your home decor. Wool rugs are graceful and are naturally more stain-resistant than many other fibers and don’t flatten easily. Wool is a naturally renewable fiber that deters bacteria and dust mites and lasts forever if properly taken care of.  But It might surprise …

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